It was 'Hostless Karaoke night' at Kenny's w/CCK! At least the 'Zach attack' was back, playin' some tunes in between.
Oh, and they did a great job of putting locks on the women's room doors, and givin' us some soap, yay!!! But, I ponder this for the men...
In any case, enjoy the sideshows w/the captions...recapping last week's festivities!
Crash Course Karaoke will be celebrating their 4th Anniversary at Kenny's, AND, their 300th show!!! So come out & celebrate on SUNDAY, APRIL 18TH! For the FIRST. TIME EVER...Kristie Lee AND Joe Mitch, will BOTH...BE...DRUMMING throughout the night!!!If you missed the 200th CCK celebration in 2008, here's what it looked like!
Havin' a GREAT time dancin'!