This past Sun., I got to CCK later than my 'usual' time, and was welcomed in the most delightful
"Bout time you f..kin' got here!
You're the lastone [out of the 'regulars'] to
arrive. Better not be the first one to leave..."
Like THAT'S ever happened before... But, I did enjoy being greeted by the 'welcoming committe', w/Richard, Colin and Bran-DONE! Thanks guys! Marky Mark held the door open for me as I wheeled in my luggage, and Selene says jokingly,
"You're like the Postman..."
"Really? I'm carrying clothes in my bags, not CCK fan mail" (lol)
Quoting part of the Postal Slogan:
"Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail..."
And she's right -- in fact, I have a confession to make -- I, am a 'karaoke-holic'.
"There is, a house, in New Orleans..."
Oh wait, huh? What? I'm not at karaoke, and I'm breaking into song... Yes, I'm a 'karaoke-holic', and the first meeting will take place NEXT SUNDAY because (gasp!!) CCK is NOT PLAYING NEXT WEEK!!! How can this happen? CCK plays EVERY week! Ok, breath, in with anger, out with love. It just came as shock, announced right before the band's first break:
(in announcer's voice w/CCK playing Pearl Jam in the background)
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Crash Course Karaoke is here EVERY Sunday night...!
(sound of 'record scratch')
" Sunday!
But, we will be back in two weeks from tonight,
so find a song, buy a drink, we ain't goin' nowhere folks!"
Uh, what?
"Can't find a better man..."
KRISTIE LEE (harmonizing)
"Can't find a better man..."
"Are they serious?"
"Waaaaiit a minute..."
JOHN D. (incredulously)"Huh?!"
(drinks a shot)
"Woa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh...oh oh oh oh oh..."
(coughing, gasping for air)
"Are they serious?!
What am I, I mean, what are WE going to DO next Sunday night?"
The reason for this 'anomaly' is that Kenny's is hosting a music festival, that will also take place on Sunday night, so I -- uh, I mean WE, will have to wait two more weeks for our CCK 'fix...' In the meantime, I guess there are things that I could be doing on a Sun. night -- like watching "Desperate Housewives", not that I ever have before; washing my hair; editing my videos; exercising (ha ha ha ha!); catching up with friends on the phone, although they may think they're talking to an inposter since they haven't spoken to me on a Sunday night in over three years!
Anyway, another rockin' night at Kenny's --with 'Showtime Sean' singin' "Mustang Sally", and "Shout", where EVERYONE rocked with him on that!
Kate & Anne sang "American Girl" and
"Bobby McGee";
props to Ben, who swooned in "Sweet Caroline";
Rockstar Richard dedicated "A Little Less Conversation" to John A.;
Corey Lim rocked out "Magic Man"; Will sang "Folsom Prison Blues"; Marky Mark channeled Elvis in "Hound Dog"; Rockin' Robin sang "Before He Cheats" while Ben & I took the liberty of acting out to...
"...I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up
4 wheel drive,
carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights,
slashed a hole in all 4 tires...
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats."
...a follow-up to my "You Outta Know", lol!! Speaking of which, it was quite funny, when, ok, nature was calling, and it was at that same time that Ryan announced "For the first time tonight, we're bringin' up 'Kris-tina La-tour'"! The crowd goes wild, well, pretty wild anyway... I'm thinkin', what?, ok, uh, be out in a minute... Talk about an entrance...
Later in the night, Christine 'killed' in her newest song addition, "White Rabbit"; Selene belted out "Total Eclipse of the Heart", Danny Mac sang "500 Miles"; Isaac W. sang some Tom Petty; Kathy channeled Carol King; Natalia ROCKED out "Heartbreaker" - props to Joe 'Chica-chica-chica-relli' for his AWESOME lead guitar! Colin sang "Simple Man"; Bran-DONE gave us "Reflections".
And THEN -- John D. and Corey Lim belted out a duet in "Sweet Child of Mine" - had the WHOLE HOUSE up on their feet -- including Sean & I who again, were 'Dancin' with the Stars'!
Ryan closed down the second set with "My Own Worst Enemy", and referred to the 'incident' after that (someone getting sick) as it looking like they were being THEIR own worst enemy. John A. commented "What is this, Saturday night?!" After that, it was time head out, luggage and all. Tune in next week, where I'll be holding the first-ever 'karaoke-holics' meeting (location TBD - contact my 'booking agent', Brandon for details...dougnuts and coffee will be served.
Kristina ;)
P.S. Keep an eye out for details on a possible 'karaoke lottery/roulette' in December!